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Soyeon Kate Lee
December 14, 2020Library of Congress: Beethoven/Liszt Symphony No.9!During this crazy time, Ran and I were asked to move our originally planned concert to a virtual platform for the Library of Congress. It is one of the most challenging works I have ever had to put together, both emotionally and physically, but one of the most gratifying and moving as well. Please enjoy!
February 12, 2020Soyeon Kate Lee plays Clementi with crystalline precisionNaxos has released a lot of Clementi piano sonatas, with a variety of performers. This latest release features Soyeon Kate Lee, who delivers some delightful performances. Clementi’s music pushed the limits of the then-developing fortepiano. But on a modern instrument, they can sound a little constrained and reserved.

Lee has a feathery touch that makes her hands seem to just glide across the keyboard with crystalline precision. She’s also sparing in her use of the pedal, which keeps the music sounding clean and transparent. Clementi’s music benefits from what I heard as good-natured, spirited performances.

The works themselves span almost two decades. Four of the sonatas come from Clementi’s Op. 1 publication of 1771. These are simple, two-movement works. Lee turns these modest works into charming miniatures.

The Sonata in F major, Op. 24, No. 1 was written over a decade later. The range of the pianoforte had expanded, and the action becomes more robust. Lee performs with authority, letting the strong dramatic contrasts set the tone.

Even more involved in the 1791 Sonata in F major, Op. 26. This sonata was published around the same time as Haydn’s and Mozart’s late sonatas — and just four years before Beethoven’s first set. The texture is much thicker, and what I would call more pianistic. The early sonatas were written for keyboard and lay equally well on a harpsichord or fortepiano. This work is strictly for the latter.

Muzio Clementi: Keyboard Sonatas
Op. 1, No. 6; Op. 1a – Nos. 1, 4 and 5; Op. 13, No. 4; Op. 24, No. 1; Op. 26
Soyeon Kate Lee, piano
Naxos 8.573922

Monday, December 16, 2019Brilliant Review of Soyeon Kate Lee's Cleveland Recital at the Gartner Museum!On Sunday, November 24 at the Cleveland Museum of Art, the audience in Gartner Auditorium clustered to the left, embracing the asymmetry typical of a piano recital. Yet if one shape came to mind repeatedly during the program, it was the ultimate figure of symmetry: the circle. Soloist Soyeon Kate Lee would come full circle that day, playing Mozart sixteen years after winning the Mozart Prize at the 2003 Cleveland International Piano Competition.

Her program likewise traced a circular path, from one 20th-century master’s response to violence to another. And in Lee, one finds a pianist whose approach suits all periods and styles. Her powerful sound may best be experienced in the round, lid off.

Gartner Auditorium proved a cozy home for the crowd that attended the recital, part of Cuyahoga Community College’s Classical Piano Series. In addition to communicating strong feeling at the keyboard, Lee was a charismatic speaker, explaining last-minute program changes and the contexts of the added pieces with concision and expertise.

As Lee explained, Janáček intended 1.X.1905 as a sonata in tribute to a slain activist, but scrapped first the finale and, later, the entire project. Pianists have gamely adopted the remaining two-part elegy ever since a copy emerged in 1924. Lee made the composer’s grief-induced indecision palpable, ratcheting from a murmur to a plea, then a roar. From an impossibly light final chord, Lee moved on to bring expansiveness to the second movement’s gestures. A series of melodies, played in double octaves, bestowed grace on the lost protestor, a Czech patriot in Janáček’s eyes.

Applause rightly followed Lee’s rendition of the first movement of Chopin’s Sonata in b-flat. She brought drama to a conflict-riven piece, allowing spiky figures in the left hand to stand in contrast to a strange, soft right-hand melody. Aspiring pianists might consult Lee on how to play octaves, given the strength she poured into those of the second movement. The third involved an epic contrast between the opening bars — flat in affect but choking up rhythmically — and the thundering three-chord motive that shook the instrument later. The finale found Lee on a musical putting green, exercising care so that the final clink would feel all the more valedictory.

Mozart’s Sonata in E-flat, K. 282, opens with arpeggios, here decanted like cool, crisp wine. The first dance in the two-part second movement had a spring in its step, the second a feistiness for all its relaxation of tempo. Bursts of higher volume in the third movement had the quality of shiny spots on a matte surface.

Few pieces of piano music have calm beauty quite like that of “Bruyères,” from Debussy’s Préludes, especially when Lee plays it; few have the diabolical sweep of “La vent dans la plaine,” a tornado in her hands. The exaggerated dance rhythms of “Minstrels” can prod pianists to ham it up, but Lee chose to give the piece an air of mystery. “La puerta del Vino” showcased her ability to play chords as jarring tears or smooth ripples in the musical fabric, according to local context.

Ravel’s La valse revisits the grand waltz from a time when perfumed ballrooms of yore had yielded to the Great War’s poisoned trenches. Many pianists shroud the piece’s opening minutes in a thick fog, revealing its explosive chaos only later. Not Lee, whose propulsive reading launched left-hand attacks like exploding shells. Prepared to question the relentless tempo, I changed my mind when her speed slackened for the first and only time: just before the end, when a shred of melody from early on pealed forth unaccompanied, a scream in the dark. Go hear Lee the next time she returns, hopefully soon: her recitals run gamuts and gauntlets, with singular power.

May 22, 2018New addition to the Lee/Dank Family and starting the summer concert season!Following the birth of our second child, Ella, I am getting back on the road this June, beginning with a recital at the Cleveland International Piano Competition with my husband, Ran Dank on June 7th!

February 24, 2016Naxos releases Soyeon Kate Lee's Scriabin: Piano Works worldwidePIANIST SOYEON KATE LEE RELEASES “SCRIABIN: PIANO MUSIC” ON NAXOS
All-Piano Album Features Scriabin Rarities
February 12, 2016, New York City—The brilliant young pianist Soyeon Kate Lee, winner of the 2010 Naumburg International Competition and the 2004 Concert Artists Guild Competition, has released an all- Scriabin CD on Naxos (NAXOS 8.573527) featuring some of the composer’s lesser-known piano works. “Scriabin: Piano Music” was recorded at the Performing Arts Centre of the Country Day School in King City, Ontario in June 2013.

April 7, 2014Soyeon Kate Lee joins the piano faculty of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of MusicCCM Welcomes Naumburg Competition Winner Soyeon Kate Lee to Piano Faculty

CCM welcomes Assistant Professor of Music in Piano Soyeon Kate Lee to its faculty. Her appointment begins in August of 2014.

CCM Dean Peter Landgren recently announced the appointment of pianist Soyeon Kate Lee to the faculty of CCM’s Department of Piano.

July 27, 2013Great Review from Santa Fe Reporter. Click here for a few videos!"Soyeon Kate Lee’s piano recital at the second of the SFCMF’s noon concerts on July 18 featured works by Janáček, Scriabin, Beethoven and Stravinsky. The Czech composer’s furious, tragic Sonata, “Z ulice, 1.X.1905” (1906) commemorates a brutal bayoneting at a university demonstration. Lee’s persuasive command of the unique Janáček “voice” made powerful sense of the obsessive final movement marked “Death.”

Superbly pianistic accounts of two hyper-romantic Scriabin exercises followed. In the recital’s climax, Beethoven’s fathomless Op. 110 Sonata, Lee’s nuanced assurance and maturity of expression were a revelation. Her reading of Guido Agosti’s arrangement of Stravinsky’s “Firebird Suite” brought the concert to a headspinning finale. "

August 15, 2012Soyeon Wins First Prize at the 2010 Walter Naumburg Piano Competition!From the press: 'On Wednesday, June 24, 2010, the Walter W. Naumburg Foundation held the final round of the 2010 Naumburg Piano Competition. Three finalists, out of a pool of 42 pianists from around the world, were chosen to compete in the final round. The first prize was awarded to Soyeon Lee, a native of South Korea, who has been hailed by The New York Times as a pianist with 'a huge, richly varied sound, a lively imagination and a firm sense of style.' She is the second pianist from South Korea to be awarded the Naumburg Piano Award following in the foot steps of Kun-Woo Paik who was the first prize winner in 1971. Her prize includes two fully subsidized concerts in New York City, one of which will be given on March 29, 2011 in Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall; concert engagements with orchestra and in recital throughout the United States; and a cash award of $10,000.'
August 12, 2012Soyeon Kate LeeSigned to collaborate with veteran manager, Diane Saldick.
August 29, 2011Lincoln Center TwoSoyeon Lee will join the roster of Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Two in fall 2012!
January 12, 2011Glowing Review from the San Francisco Classical Voice for the Herbst Debut!
December 28, 2010Soyeon featured in the San Francisco Classical Voice Article!Formula One For Finding Talent...

First prize winner of the Naumburg International Piano Competition and the Concert Artist Guild International Competition, Korean-American pianist Soyeon Kate Lee has been lauded by The New York Times as a pianist with "a huge, richly varied sound, a lively imagination and a firm sense of style," and by the Washington Post for her "stunning command of the keyboard.”
Highlights of recent seasons include appearances at the National Gallery, Library of Congress, Gina Bachauer Concerts, Purdue Convocations, Music@Menlo, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on tour, San Francisco Performances, Camerata Pacifica tour, Chamber Music Chicago, and the Cleveland Art Museum. She was a member of Lincoln Center Chamber Music Society’s Bowers program, and is a regular participant in numerous chamber music festivals including the Great Lakes, Santa Fe and Music Mountain Chamber Music Festivals. Ms. Lee has collaborated with conductors Carlos Miguel Prieto, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Jahja Ling, and Jorge Mester with the London, San Diego, Hawaii, Louisiana, Naples symphony orchestras among others.

She has commissioned works by prominent composers and has given world premieres of works written by Frederic Rzewski, Paola Prestini, Marc-André Hamelin, Alexander Goehr, Gabriela Lena Frank, Texu Kim, and Huang Ruo.
As a Naxos recording artist, her discography spans a wide range of repertoire from two volumes of Scarlatti Sonatas, Liszt Opera Transcriptions, two volumes of Scriabin, and Clementi Sonatas. Ms. Lee’s recording of Re!nvented under the E1/Entertainment One (formerly Koch Classics) label garnered her a feature review in the Gramophone Magazine and the Classical Recording Foundation’s Young Artist of the Year Award.
A second prize and Mozart Prize winner of the 2003 Cleveland International Piano Competition and a laureate of the Santander International Piano Competition in Spain, she is a graduate of The Juilliard School where she was awarded the William Petschek Piano Debut Award at Lincoln Center and the Arthur Rubinstein Award upon graduation, and received her Doctor of Musical Arts from The Graduate Center, City University of New York. Her major mentors and teachers have been Richard Goode, Julian Martin, Robert McDonald, Jerome Lowenthal, and Ursula Oppens.

In 2022, Soyeon Kate Lee joined the faculty at the Juilliard School, making her the first woman of Asian descent to join the illustrious piano faculty. She was an associate professor of music in piano at the Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music from 2014 to 2022, where she received the 2021 University of Cincinnati Mrs. A.B. “Dolly” Cohen Award for excellence in teaching. During the summers, she serves on the piano faculty at the Bowdoin International Music Festival and resides in New York with her husband and their two children, Noah and Ella.
Huge, richly varied sound, a lively imagination and a firm sense of style.The New York Times
Ms. Lee draws the listener into her playing through the involvement, intelligence and utter sincerity she brings to everything she touches.The Plain Dealer (Cleveland)
A pianist with beautiful technique and refined sensibility, Soyeon Lee scored on each and every page of music with fascinating authenticity and, at the same time, with strong communication and dazzling playing. A perfect evening, a great master.El Paos (Madrid)
Soyeon Lee displayed a stunning command of the keyboard, from the beautifully gauged weighting of her finger strokes to the scrupulous calibration of inner voices and dynamics.
The Washington Post
Lee clearly has an affinity for Scriabin; all the composer's impulsive fire was delivered with high energy but without overstatement, and his lyricism emerged in sweeping arcs that seemed as natural as breathing. Even better was Ravel's La Valse, which tapped such a rich vein of color and such cumulative power that the beauties of Ravel's more familiar orchestral version were barely missed.The Washington Post
She opens with one of the clearest, most articulate and pianistically worked-out renditions of the Bach/Busoni Chaconne I've ever heard.Gramophone
Her poise and command throughout Prokofiev's Seventh Sonata are also on the highest level, especially regarding the multi-levelled textures and impressionistic half-tints she draws from the Andante caloroso. In all, an outstanding release.Gramophone
She played with clarity, honesty and a supple yet full-bodied sound.The New York Times

Upcoming Performances

Saturday, November 16, 2024Cecilia ConcertsStage at St. AndrewsHalifax, Nova ScotiaWith Janet Sung, Violin and Denise Djokics, CelloDinuk Wijeratne "Love Triangle"
Shostakovich Piano Trio in E minor
Mendelssohn Piano Trio in C minor
more info...
Saturday, January 18, 2025Dubois Festival and CompetitionBowling Green State University Recital HallBowling Green, OHChopin Sonata No. 2, Debussy Preludes, Haydn Fantasie, Corigliano Fantasy on an ostinato, Scriabin Fantasymore info...
Saturday, February 01, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYEnrique Arbós: Tres piezas originales en estilo español for Violin, Cello, and Piano, Op. 1 (1886)
Manuel de FALLA: Siete canciones populares españolas for Voice and Piano (1914)
Pablo de Sarasate: “Romanza andaluza” from Spanish Dances for Violin and Piano, Op. 22 (1878)
Joaquín Turina: Trio No. 2 in B minor for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Op. 76 (1933)
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Sunday, February 02, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center On TourKrasnoff Theatre, Tilles Center of the Performing ArtsBrookville, NYEnrique Arbós: Tres piezas originales en estilo español for Violin, Cello, and Piano, Op. 1 (1886)
Manuel de FALLA: Siete canciones populares españolas for Voice and Piano (1914)
Pablo de Sarasate: “Romanza andaluza” from Spanish Dances for Violin and Piano, Op. 22 (1878)
Joaquín Turina: Trio No. 2 in B minor for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Op. 76 (1933)
more info...
Monday, February 03, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourRiverview Performing Arts CenterSarasota, FLEnrique Arbós: Tres piezas originales en estilo español for Violin, Cello, and Piano, Op. 1 (1886)
Manuel de FALLA: Siete canciones populares españolas for Voice and Piano (1914)
Pablo de Sarasate: “Romanza andaluza” from Spanish Dances for Violin and Piano, Op. 22 (1878)
Joaquín Turina: Trio No. 2 in B minor for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Op. 76 (1933)
more info...
Wednesday, February 05, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourWalter Gubelmann AuditoriumPalm Beach, FLEnrique Arbós: Tres piezas originales en estilo español for Violin, Cello, and Piano, Op. 1 (1886)
Manuel de FALLA: Siete canciones populares españolas for Voice and Piano (1914)
Pablo de Sarasate: “Romanza andaluza” from Spanish Dances for Violin and Piano, Op. 22 (1878)
Joaquín Turina: Trio No. 2 in B minor for Piano, Violin, and Cello, Op. 76 (1933)
more info...
Thursday, February 06, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourLairmont ManorBellingham, WAArbos, de Falla, Turinamore info...
Friday, February 07, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on Tour415 WestlakeSeattle, WAArbos, de Falla, Turinamore info...
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Saturday, February 08, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourThe Minnaert Center for the ArtsOlympia, WAArbos, Turina, de Fallamore info...
Monday, February 10, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourTryon Fine Arts CenterTryon, NCde Falla, Turina, Arbosmore info...
Tuesday, February 11, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourDisciples Christian ChurchCleveland, OHde Falla, Turina, Arbos
Thursday, February 13, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourWoltosz Theatre, Gogue Performing Arts CenterAuburn, ALde Falla, Turina, Arbosmore info...
Saturday, February 15, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourPurchase College Performing Arts Center Purchase College, NYde Falla, Arbos, Turinamore info...
Tuesday, April 01, 2025Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAPoulenc Elegie, Bartok Sonata for Two Piano and Percussion, Stravinsky Rite of Springmore info...
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Thursday, April 03, 2025Camerata PacificaZipper Hall @ The Colburn SchoolLos Angeles, CABartok, Stravinsky, Poulencmore info...
Friday, April 04, 2025Camerata PacificaHahn HallSanta Barbara, CABartok, Poulenc, Stravinskymore info...
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Sunday, April 06, 2025Camerata PacificaPerforming Arts Center, Thousand OaksThousand Oaks, CABartok, Poulenc, Stravinskymore info...
Tuesday, April 22, 2025Artistry in Action: Piano Masters SeriesSeully HallBoston, NAWorks by Chopin, Haydn, Debussy, Paola Prestini, Corigliano, Scriabinmore info...
Wednesday, April 23, 2025Artistry in Action Masterclass seriesSeully HallBoston, MAmore info...
Sunday, April 27, 2025Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourSeventh-Day Adventist ChurchGrass Valley, CATurina, Arbos, de Falla...more info...
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Past Performances

Sunday, September 08, 2024Olympic Music FestivalPort Townsend, Washingtonmore info...
Saturday, September 07, 2024Olympic Music Festivalmore info...
Thursday, August 08, 2024Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalArtist Circle RecitalSanta Fe, NMRecital: Debussy and Schumannmore info...
July 25 through July 28, 2024Pianofest in the HamptonsEast Hampton, NYTeaching!more info...
July 16 and July 17, 2024Juilliard Summer Piano IntensiveJuilliard SchoolNew York, NYTeaching!
Saturday, July 13 through July 15, 2024Rebecca Penneys Piano FestivalUniversity of South FloridaTeaching!more info...
Friday, July 05, 2024Bowdoin International Music FestivalStudzinski Recital HallBrunswick, MainePaola Prestini's Mother Moon Songs (world premiere) more info...
Monday, June 24, 2024Bowdoin International Music Festival Opening ConcertStudzinski Recital HallBrunswick, MEDvorak Piano Quintet with the Ying String Quartetmore info...
June 23 through July 12, 2024Bowdoin International Music Festival ResidencyBrunswick, ME
Tuesday, June 04, 2024Recital for the United States Second Circuit Judges ConferenceSagamore ResortLake George, NY
Sunday, April 14-16, 2024Grand Valley State Guest Artist Residency: Recital and MasterclaAllendale, MISchumann, Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Ravel
Thursday, February 29, 2024Hilton Head International Piano Competition Bravo FestivalHilton Head, SCSolo and Duos with pianist Ran Dankmore info...
Tuesday, February 13, 2024The Chamber Music Society of WilliamsburgWilliamsburg Library TheatreWilliamsburg, VABrahms Piano Quintet with the Jupiter String Quartetmore info...
Monday, February 12, 2024Feldman Chamber Music SocietyChrysler Museum of ArtNorfolk, VABrahms Piano Quintet with the Jupiter String Quartetmore info...
Tuesday, February 06, 2024Krannert CenterUrbana, ILBrahms Piano Quintet with the Jupiter String Quartetmore info...
Sunday, December 10, 2023Ridotto ConcertsHuntington, NYRachmaninoff Corelli Variations, Gubaidulina Chaconne, Schumann Kreislerianamore info...
Sunday, December 03, 2023Chamber Music ChicagoHoltschneider Performance CenterWith Janet Sung, violin and Denise Djokic, celloArensky Piano Trio, Dvorak Dumky, and Dinuk Wijeratne's Love Triangle (2013)more info...
Tuesday, November 07, 2023Interlochen Center for the ArtsDendrinos Chapel and Recital HallInterlochen, MIWorks by Schumann, Chopin, Gubaidulina, Shaw, and Ravelmore info...
Saturday, October 21, 2023Florida State MTNAFlorida State CollegeWorks by Bach-Kurtag, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Meredith Monk, and GershwinDuo Program with pianist Ran Dank!
Sunday, August 13, 2023Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center at Saratoga SpringsSaratoga Performing Arts CenterSaratoga Springs, NYWorks by de Falla, Turina, Arbos, Sarasate....more info...
Tuesday, August 08, 2023Lakeside Symphony OrchestraHoover AuditoriumLakeside, OHDaniel Meyer, ConductorRachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2 in C minormore info...
Saturday, April 29, 2023Chamber Music Monterey BaySunset CenterMonterey, CAAmy Beach Piano Quintet with the Daedalus String Quartetmore info...
Tuesday, March 21, 2023CCM Faculty Artists SeriesWerner Recital HallCincinnati OH Brahms Piano Quintet with the Ariel String Quartet
Sunday, January 29, 2023Guest Artist RecitalRandolph CollegeLynchburg, VAChopin, Shaw, Rachmaninoff, and Ravel
Tuesday, January 17, 2023Meisel Guest Artists SeriesWerner Recital Hall, Cincinnati College-Conservatory of MusicCincinnati OHJanet Sung, Violin and Denise Djokic, CelloMendelssohn Piano Trio in C minor
Shostakovich Piano Trio in E minor
Friday, November 18, 2022Camerata PacificaMusic Academy of the WestSanta Barbara, CARachmaninoff Corelli Variations
Caroline Shaw Gustave le Gray
Cerrone Double Happiness
more info...
Thursday, November 17, 2022Camerata PacificaThe Colburn SchoolLos Angelos, CARachmaninoff Corelli Variations
Caroline Shaw Gustave le Gray
Cerrone Double Happiness
more info...
Tuesday, November 15, 2022Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CARachmaninoff Corelli Variations
Caroline Shaw Gustave le Gray
Cerrone Double Happiness
more info...
Sunday, November 13, 2022Camerata PacificaMuseum of Ventura CountyVentura, CARachmaninoff Corelli Variations
Caroline Shaw Gustave le Gray
Cerrone Double Happiness
more info...
Wednesday, October 26, 2022Camerata PacificaThe Colburn SchoolLos Angeles, CAChopin Cello Sonatamore info...
Tuesday, October 25, 2022Camerata PacificaThe HuntingtonSan Marino, CAChopin Cello Sonata
Sunday, October 23, 2022Camerata PacificaMuseum of Ventura CountyVentura, CAChopin Cello Sonata with Jonathan Swensenmore info...
Friday, October 21, 2022Camerata PacificaMusic Academy of the WestSanta Barbara, CAChopin Cello Sonata with Jonathan Swensonmore info...
Sunday, October 16, 2022Chamber Music ChicagoAllen Recital Hall, The Holtschneider Performance CenterChicago, ILWith Janet Sung, Violin and Ani Aznavoorian, CelloLili Boulanger 3 Pieces for Cello and Piano
Shostakovich Piano Trio in E minor
Mendelssohn Piano Trio in C minor
more info...
Wednesday, September 21, 2022Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYSolo and Duo piano with Ran Dank, pianomore info...
Sunday, August 28, 2022Chamber Music LAThe Colburn School Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, August 17, 2022- August 25, 2022Gijon International Piano FestivalGijon, Spainmore info...
Friday, August 12, 2022Lakeside Symphony OrchestraHoover AuditoriumDaniel Meyer, CondutorRachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2 more info...
Sunday, August 07, 2022Music Mountain Chamber Music FestivalGordon HallLakeville, CTWith Ariel String QuartetSchumann Piano Quintetmore info...
Thursday, August 04, 2022Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNM Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMJennifer Frautchi, Violin and Eric Kim, CelloMendelssohn Piano Trio in C minormore info...
Wednesday, August 03, 2022Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNew Mexico Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMWith Ida Kavafian, ViolinClara Schumann Three Romances, Op.22more info...
Friday, July 29, 2022Bowdoin International Music FestivalStudzinski Recital HallBrunswick, MEwith my fabulous colleagues, Itamar Zorman (violin), Kirsten Docter (viola), and Daniel McDonough (cello)Brahms Piano Quartet in G minormore info...
Sunday, July 24, 2022Bowdoin International Music FestivalStudzinski Recital HallBrunswick, MEWith my husband and pianist extraordinaire, Ran Dank.Rachmaninoff Suite No.2, La Valse, Meredith Monk, etc...!more info...
Saturday, June 25, 2022Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalSeligman Performing Arts CenterBeverly Hills, MISAINT-SAËNS The Carnival of the Animals with Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings, Paul Watkins, Conductormore info...
Thursday, June 23, 2022Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalSt. Hugo of the HillsBloomfield Hills, MI 48304Stravinsky Rite of Spring
Gershwin Porgy and Bess
Liszt Les Preludes
more info...
Sunday, May 01, 2022Clarion ConcertsSt. James PlaceGreat Barrington, MATwo Pianos with Ran Dank!more info...
Saturday, April 09, 2022Music@Menlo Focus ResidencyMenlo School CampusAtherton, CAWith Kristin Lee, Violin and Clive Greensmith, CelloGranados and Turina Piano Triosmore info...
Friday, April 08, 2022Music@Menlo Focus Residency "Spanish Journey"Spieker Center for the ArtsAtherton, CAWith Kristin Lee, violin and Clive Greensmith, CelloGranados and Turina Piano Triosmore info...
Monday, March 28, 2022Guest Artist Recital: East Carolina UniversityA.J. Fletcher Recital HallGreenville, NCGubaidulina, Texu Kim, Schumannmore info...
Thursday, March 17, 2022Eugene Symphony OrchestraSilva Concert Hall, Hult CenterAshland, ORCarlos Izcaray, ConductorChopin Concerto in F minormore info...
Sunday, February 27, 2022Faculty Artists SeriesWerner Recital Hall, CCMCincinnati, OHRecital with Sasha Kazovsky, Violin
Wednesday, February 23, 2022Guest Recital: Southern Methodist University Dallas, TXKim, Schumann, Gubaidulina, Debussy
Tuesday, February 22, 2022Masterclass and Residency at SMUDallas, TX
Sunday, January 30, 2022Faculty Artist SeriesWerner Recital Hall, CCMCincinnati, OHWorks by Gubaidulina, Schumann, Texu Kim
Thursday, November 11, 2021Lincoln Friends of Chamber MusicJohnny Carson TheatreLincoln, NEMatthew Fuerst Piano Trio (World Premiere)
Arensky Piano Trio in D minor
Texu Kim "Flow and Composition"

with Hyeyung Yoon (violin) and Greg Beaver (cello)
Monday, October 18, 2021Kaufmann Center's "What Makes It Great"Merkin Concert HallNew York, NYChopin Sonata No.2, Op.35more info...
Friday, October 15, 2021Philip Lorenz International Keyboard ConcertsCalifornia State University FresnoFresno, CATexu Kim "Flow and Composition", Debussy, Bolcom, Chopin, Stravinsky, and Marc-Andre Hamelin
With Ran Dank, pianist
more info...
Friday, October 08, 2021Gina Bachauer Foundation Concert SeriesRose Wagner Performing Arts CenterSalt Lake City, UtahWorld Premiere: Texu Kim's "Flow and Composition" 2021
Debussy, Chopin, Bolcom, Marc-Andre Hamelin, and Stravinsky

With Ran Dank, pianist
more info...
Monday, August 09, 2021Pianofest in the Hamptons "All Stars"Southampton Cultural CenterSouthampton, NYTBD!more info...
Wednesday, August 04, 2021Bowdoin International Music FestivalStudzinski Recital HallBrunswick, MEWith Janet Sung, violin and Denise Djokic, celloArensky Piano Trio in D minormore info...
Wednesday, July 21, 2021Bowdoin International Music FestivalStudzinski Recital HallBrunswick, MEWith Ran Dank!FRANZ LISZT Les Préludes
Fantasy on Themes from “Porgy and Bess”
more info...
Thursday, June 17, 2021Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalTemple Beth ElBloomfield Hills, MIWith Paul Watkins, Tessa Lark, Philip Setzer, and Tien-Hsin Cindy WuBRIDGE Phantasy for Piano Quartet, H. 94 and BRITTEN Lachrymae for Viola and Piano, Op. 48more info...
Thursday, June 17, 2021Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalTemple Beth ElBloomfield Hills, MIWith Paul Watkins, Tessa Lark, Philip Setzer, and Tien-Hsin Cindy WuBRIDGE Phantasy for Piano Quartet, H. 94 and BRITTEN Lachrymae for Viola and Piano, Op. 48more info...
Tuesday, June 15, 2021Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalTemple Beth ElBloomfield, MISchubert Auf dem Strom with Nicholas Phan, tenor and Paul Watkins, cellomore info...
Tuesday, June 15, 2021Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalTemple Beth ElBloomfield, MISchubert Auf dem Strom with Nicholas Phan, tenor and Paul Watkins, cellomore info...
Sunday, June 13, 2021Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalTemple Beth ElBloomfield Hills, MIWith Paul Watkins, Tessa Lark, and Tien-Hsin Cindy WuDebussy Cello Sonata and Faure G minor Quartetmore info...
Sunday, June 13, 2021Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalTemple Beth ElBloomfield Hills, MIWith Paul Watkins, Tessa Lark, and Tien-Hsin Cindy WuDebussy Cello Sonata and Faure G minor Quartetmore info...
Monday, February 01, 2021Hawaii Concert Society Virtual Concertwww.hawaiiconcertsociety.org
Saturday, December 12, 2020Library of CongressVirtual ConcertLiszt Les Preludes
Beethoven/Liszt Symphony No.9
more info...
Sunday, August 30, 2020Music Mountain Chamber Music FestivalGordon HallLakeville, CTwith the Jupiter String QuartetSchumann Piano Quintetmore info...
Friday, August 14, 2020Lakeside Symphony OrchestraLakeside, OHwith Daniel Meyer, ConductorRachmaninoff Concerto No.2more info...
Sunday, July 26, 2020Music in the Mountains Festival OrchestraDurango, COwith Guillermo Figueroa, ConductorRavel Concerto in Gmore info...
Monday, July 20, 2020Bowdoin International Music FestivalBrunswick, MEwith the Jupiter String QuartetSchumann Piano Quintetmore info...
Thursday, June 25, 2020Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalDetroit, MI
Sunday, June 21, 2020Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalDetroit, MI
Saturday, June 20, 2020 Great Lakes Chamber Music FestivalDetroit, MImore info...
Friday, April 24, 2020The Bachauer Concert SeriesRose Wagner Performing Arts CenterSalt Lake City, UTmore info...
Thursday, April 02, 2020Purdue ConvocationsLove PlayhouseWest Lafayette, INmore info...
Monday, March 30, 2020What Makes It Great?Merkin Concert HallNew York, NYChopin Sonata No. 2 more info...
Friday, March 27, 2020Western Illinois University RecitalMacomb, IL
Wednesday, March 18, 2020Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYPiano Trios with Irina Muresanu, violin and Tom Kraines, cello
Tuesday, February 25, 2020Faculty RecitalWerner Recital Hall, CCMCincinnati, OH
Saturday, February 22, 2020Corning Civic Music AssociationCorning Museum of GlassCorning, NYmore info...
Sunday, November 24, 2019Tri C Recital SeriesCleveland Museum of ArtCleveland OH
Friday, November 08, 2019Screening Jury for the Hilton Head International Piano Competiti
Tuesday, November 05, 2019Masterclass @ the University of Michigan School of MusicAnn Arbor, MI
Monday, November 04, 2019Recital at the University of Michigan School of MusicAnn Arbor, MI
Sunday, October 20, 2019National Gallery Concert SeriesNational Gallery of ArtWashington, DCPremiere of Marc-Andre Hamelin's "Tango" for four hands, with Ran Dank, piano...and some solo and duo works!more info...
Tuesday, October 15, 2019University of Iowa String Quartet Residency ConcertVoxman Music Building Concert HallIowa City IASchubert "Trout" Quintet with the Daedalus String Quartetmore info...
Monday, October 14, 2019University of Iowa Residency
Wednesday, October 02, 2019Hawaii Concert SocietyUniversity of Hawaii @ Hilo Performing Arts CenterHilo, HawaiiDuo concert with Ran Dank, pianomore info...
Sunday, September 29, 2019Hawaii Symphony OrchestraBlaisdell Concert HallHonolulu, HIGrieg Piano Concerto with Carlos Miguel Prieto, Conductormore info...
Saturday, September 28, 2019Hawaii Symphony OrchestraBlaisdell Concert HallHonolulu, HIGrieg Piano Concerto with Carlos Miguel Prieto, Conductormore info...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019Faculty RecitalWerner Recital HallCincinnati, OH
Friday, September 13, 2019University of Texas @ DallasDallas, Texas
Saturday, September 07, 2019Southampton Cultural Center Distinguished Artist SeriesSouthampton Cultural CenterSouthampton, NY
Friday, September 06, 2019Rockefeller University Noon RecitalCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NY
Saturday, July 13, 2019 to Sunday, August 3, 2019Bowdoin International Music FestivalFaculty concerts, teaching!
Sunday, June 16, 2019Music Mountain Summer FestivalGordon HallFalls Village, CTDvorak Piano Quinet with the Escher String Quartetmore info...
Saturday, June 08, 2019Close Encounters with MusicMahaiwe Performing Arts Center MADvorak Piano Quintet
Sunday, May 19, 2019Fourtissimo@ Manchester Music FestivalManchester, VTmore info...
Friday, May 17, 2019Wheeling Symphony OrchestraCapitol Theatre Silas Huff, conductorMozart Concerto in C Major, K.467more info...
Friday, April 26, 2019Rockefeller University Tri-Noon RecitalsCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NYGranados: The complete Goyescas
Saturday, April 13, 2019Guest MasterclassOberlin College & ConservatoryOberlin, OH
Monday, April 01, 2019University of IndianapolisIndianapolis, INWith the Indianapolis String QuartetFranck Piano Quintetmore info...
Thursday, March 14, 2019Music By The GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYDohnanyi Piano Quintet No.1, Haydn Gypsy Triomore info...
Tuesday, February 19, 2019CCM Faculty Recital with Amit Even-Tov, CelloWerner Recital HallCincinnati, OH
Wednesday, January 16, 2019Close Encounters with MusicScottsdale Performing Arts CenterScottsdale, AZSchumann and Brahms Piano Quintetsmore info...
Friday, January 04, 2019Rockefeller University Tri Noon Recital SeriesCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NY
Thursday, November 01, 2018Music by the GlassYamaha Artist Services - Piano SalonNew York, NYFOURTISSIMO!more info...
Sunday, October 28, 2018Peninsula Symphony OrchestraSan Mateo Performing Arts CenterSan Mateo, CAMitchell Sardou Klein, conductorGrieg Piano Concertomore info...
Saturday, October 27, 2018Peninsula Symphony OrchestraHeritage TheatreCampbell, CAWith Mitchell Sardou Klein, conductorGrieg Piano Concertomore info...
Wednesday, October 03, 2018Faculty Recital at CCMWerner Recital HallWorks by Chopin, Janacek, and Granados then the Rite of Spring with Ran Dank!
Thursday, September 13, 2018Yale School of Music, Horowitz SeriesMorse Recital HallWith Ran DankMozart Sonata in B-flat Major for four hands
Scriabin Prelude, Op. 11/8 and Janacek Sonata
Liszt Sposalizio and Polonaise
Stravinsky Rite of Spring
more info...
Thursday, September 13, 2018Masterclass: Yale School of MusicMorse Recital Hallmore info...
Sunday, August, 12, 2018Cooperstown Summer Music FestivalCooperstown, NYSolo and Duo with pianist Ran Dankmore info...
Sunday, August 5, 2018Music MountainFalls Village, CTDohnanyi Piano Quintet No.1 and Beethoven Piano Quartet No.1 with the Avalon String Quartetmore info...
Friday, August 3, 2018BargemusicBrooklyn, NYSolo Recital: Granadosmore info...
Monday, July 23, 2018Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMVilla Lobos and Beethoven Quintet for Piano and Windsmore info...
Sunday, July 22, 2018Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt.Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMVilla Lobos Choros No.5 for Piano and the Beethoven Quintet for Piano and Windsmore info...
Tuesday, July 17, 2018Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt.Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMwith Ran DankFestival Gala: Bizet, Barber, Mozart duosmore info...
Sunday, July 8, 2018Music in the Mountains FestivalDurango, COSolo Recital: Granados, Ravel, Scarlattimore info...
Thursday, June 7, 2018Cleveland Piano Competition for Young Artists Guest RecitalMixon Hall, Cleveland Institute of MusicCleveland, OHJanacek, Liszt, StravinskySolo and Duo recital with Ran Dankmore info...
Tuesday, March 13 - June 1, 2018Maternity leave for our second baby!
Monday, March 12, 2018Hilton Head Symphony OrchestraFirst Presbytarian ChurchHilton Head Island, SCMozart Concerto for Two Pianos with Ran Dankmore info...
Sunday, February 18, 2018CCM GalaCincinnati College-Conservatory of MusicCincinnati, OHRavel La Valse with Ran Dank, piano
Friday, February 9, 2018RecordingYamaha Artists ServicesNew York, NYSchumann Davidsbundlertanze
Thursday, February 8, 2018Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYwith the Chiara String Quartetmore info...
Sunday, January 14, 2018Linton MusicFirst Unitarian ChurchCincinnati, OHHaydn and Weber Triosmore info...
Sunday, January 7, 2018Naxos RecordingClementi SonatasToronto, Canada
Saturday, January 6, 2018Naxos RecordingClementi Piano SonatasToronto, Canada
Thursday, November 2, 2017Music by the GlassLouis K Meisel GalleryNew York, NYmore info...
Saturday, October 21, 2017Close Encounters with MusicMahaiwe Performing Arts CenterSchumann and Brahms Piano Quintetsmore info...
Saturday, October 14, 2017Kentucky Symphony OrchestraGreaves Concert HallWith James R. Cassidy, ConductorRachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2
Wednesday, October 4, 2017University of IowaVoxman Concert HallSchumann Piano Quintet with the Chiara String Quartet
Tuesday, October 3, 2017University of Iowa Residencywith the Chiara String Quartet
Monday, October 2, 2017University of Iowa Residencywith the Chiara String Quartet
Thursday, September 14, 2017Elebash Hall, Graduate CenterNew York, NYScarlatti, Chopin, Scriabin, and Schumann
Sunday, September 10, 2017CCM Faculty Artist RecitalWerner Recital HallCincinnati, OHAll Schumann
Wednesday, August 23, 2017Gijon International Piano FestivalGijon, SpainAll Schumann Recital
Sunday, July 23, 2017Music MountainFalls Village, CTWith the Ariel String QuartetSchumann Piano Quintetmore info...
Friday, July 21, 2017BargemusicBrooklyn, New YorkAll Schumann Recitalmore info...
Saturday, July 1, 2017Naxos RecordingToronto, CanadaClementi Sonatas
Friday, June 30, 2017Naxos RecordingToronto, CanadaClementi Sonatas
Monday, June 5, 2017Texas State International Piano FestivalJury, Patrick Price Piano CompetitionSan Marcos, Texas
Sunday, May 28, 2017Tel Aviv UniversityMasterclassTel Aviv, Israel
Sunday, May 21, 2017Jerusalem Academy for Music and DanceMasterclass
Thursday, April 27, 2017Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYFourtissimomore info...
Saturday, April 22, 2017Asheville SymphonyThomas Wolfe AuditoriumAsheville, NCWith Daniel Meyer, ConductorChopin Piano Concerto No.2more info...
Saturday, April 1, 2017BargemusicBrooklyn, NYSolo Recital: Schumann
Friday, March 31, 2017BargemusicBrooklyn, NYDuo Recital with Ran Dank, pianist
Thursday, March 16, 2017Eugene Symphony OrchestraHult Center- Silva Concert HallEugene, ORFrancesco Lecce-Chong, ConductorBartok Piano Concerto No.3more info...
Thursday, February 23, 2017UCLA Abell Piano SeriesJan Popper TheaterLos Angeles, CARecitalmore info...
Saturday, January 21, 2017Erie Philharmonic OrchestraWarner TheatreErie, PAWith Daniel Meyer, ConductorBartok Piano Concerto No.3more info...
Sunday, January 15, 2017Linton Chamber MusicFirst Unitarian ChurchCincinnati, OHStravinsky Rite of Spring with Ran Dank, and solo works by Debussy.more info...
Tuesday, January 3, 2017Naxos Recording: Scarlatti SonatasToronto, CanadaScarlatti
Wednesday, November 30, 2016Music by the Glass on Tour @ Chamber Music CincinnatiWeston Art GalleryCincinnati, OHWith the Ariel String Quartetmore info...
Tuesday, November 29, 2016With Sejong SoloistsKitara Concert HallSapporo, JapanDvorak Dumky Trio, Tchaikovsky Souvenir de Florence
Friday, October 14, 2016FourtissimoFoxwoods CasinosMashantucket, CTTwo pianos, Four Hands, Solo, Duo with Ran Dank, Vassilis Varvaresos, and Konstantin Soukhoverstki, Pianistsmore info...
Sunday, October 9, 2016Smithsonian Art Museum Steinway SeriesAmerican Art MuseumWashington DCSolo and Duo with Ran Dank, pianomore info...
Friday, September 23, 2016Rockefeller University Tri-noon RecitalsCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NYWith the Ariel String Quartet
Thursday, September 22, 2016Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYWith the Ariel String Quartet....works by Franck, Mendelssohn, PIazzola, Beethoven, and more.more info...
Tuesday, September 20, 2016Le Poisson RougeNew York, NYWith Ran Dank, pianoNY Premiere of Alexander Goehr's Seven Impromptus for two pianos, Ravel la valse, and Solo selections.more info...
Friday, September 9, 2016CCM Concert OrchestraCorbett AuditoriumCincinnati, OHMark Gibson, ConductorChopin Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor
Tuesday, September 6, 2016Ariel String Quartet Series at CCMCorbett AuditoriumCincinnati, OHSchumann Piano Quintet
Friday, August 5, 2016Mänttä Music FestivalRecitalMänttä, FinlandScriabin, Shostakovich, and Janacekmore info...
Sunday, July 24, 2016Music Mountain Chamber Music FestivalLakeville, CTFaure Piano Quartet in G minor with members of the Avalon String Quartetmore info...
Wednesday, June 15, 2016Southeastern Piano FestivalUniversity of South CarolinaColumbia, SCScriabin Solo works and Rite of Spring, with Ran Dankmore info...
May 11, 2016Kahilu TheatreKamuela, HISolo and Duo with Ran Dankmore info...
May 10, 2016Hawaii Concert SocietyUniveristy of Hawaii Performing Arts CenterHilo, HISolo and Duo with Ran Dankmore info...
May 8, 2016Hawaii Symphony OrchestraNeal S. Blaisdell CenterHonolulu, HIWith John Nelson, ConductorMozart Concerto K.488more info...
April 29, 2016Parrish Museum Salon SeriesEast Hampton, NYWith Fourtissimomore info...
April 28, 2016Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYwith Fourtissimomore info...
April 19, 2016International Piano SeriesSottile TheatreCharleston, SCSolo Recital
Tuesday, April 12, 2016Concert Artists Guild Alumni RecitalWNYC Greene SpaceNew York, NYmore info...
April 10, 2016Ridotto ConcertsHuntington, NYSolo Recitalmore info...
Sunday, April 3, 2016BargemusicBrooklyn, NYTwo hands/ Four Hands with Ran Dank, pianistmore info...
Saturday, April 2, 2016BargemusicBrooklyn, NYTwo hands/ Four Hands with Ran Dank, pianistmore info...
Friday, April 1, 2016BargemusicBrooklyn, NYTwo hands/ Four Hands with Ran Dank, pianistmore info...
March 11, 2016Aurora Cultural CentreGreat Artists Music SeriesAurora, CanadaRecital
Saturday, January 16, 2016Recording for NAXOSToronto, CanadaClementi Sonatas
Friday, January 15, 2016Linton MusicFirst Unitarian Church of CincinnatiCincinnati, OHSolo and Duo with Ran Dank, pianomore info...
Friday, January 15, 2016Recording for NAXOSToronto, CanadaClementi Sonatas
January 13, 2016Grand Piano QuartetsScottsdale Center for the Performing ArtsScottsdale, AZWith Ara Gregorian, Violin, Xiao-Dong Wang, Viola, and Yehuda Hanani, CelloBrahms and Dvorak Piano Quartetsmore info...
December 12, 2015Close Encounters with MusicMahaiwe Performing Arts CenterGreat Barrington, NYWith Ran Dank, pianosolo and duomore info...
December 10, 2015Tri-noon ConcertsCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NYQuintets with the members of the Daedalus String Quartet
December 10, 2015Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYwith the members of the Daedalus String Quartetmore info...
November 5, 2015Music by the Glass on tour
November 1, 2015Sarasota Artist SeriesHistoric Asolo TheatreSarasota, FLSolo Recital
October 31, 2015Artist Series of SarasotaHistoric Asolo TheatreSarasota, FLRecitalmore info...
October 24, 2015Peninsula Symphony OrchestraFlint CenterCupertino, CAMitchell Sardou Klein, ConductorRachmaninoff Second Concertomore info...
October 23, 2015Peninsula Symphony OrchestraSan Mateo Performing Arts CenterSan Mateo, CAwith Mitchell Sardou Klein, ConductorRachmaninoff Second Piano Concertomore info...
October 16, 2015Don and Catharine Bryan Cultural SeriesNags Head, NCSolo Recitalmore info...
October 15, 2015Outer Banks Patron of the ArtsOuter Banks, NCSolo Recital
October 9, 2015Salon Series at the Parrish MuseumEast Hampton, NYRecitalmore info...
September 26, 2015Leaf Peeper Concert SeriesSt. James ChurchChatham, NYmore info...
September 19, 2015Ames Town & Gown Chamber Music AssociationMusic Hall, Iowa State UniversityDes Moines, IAmore info...
August 20, 2015Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMSolo Recitalmore info...
August 17, 2015Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalLensic Performing Arts CenterSanta Fe, NMwith Ran Dank, pianoMozart Sonata for Two Pianos and world premiere of Alexander Goehr's Seven Impromptusmore info...
August 13, 2015Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMWith Todd Levy, Clarinet and Daniel Phillips, ViolinBartok Contrastsmore info...
July 19, 2015Music MountainFalls Village, CTWith the Enso String QuartetDohnanyi Piano Quintet No.1more info...
July 11, 2015- Julay 12, 2015Recording for NaxosToronto, CanadaMore Scriabin!
May 7, 2015Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYFOURTISSIMO: with Ran Dank, Vassilis Varvaresos, Konstantin Souhkovetskimore info...
May 3, 2015Benefit Concert for the Manchester Music FestivalFOURTISSIMO: with Ran Dank, Vassilis Varvaresos, Konstantin Souhkovetski
April 17, 2015BargemusicBrooklyn, NYMendelssohn Octet for four hands with Ran Dankmore info...
April 16, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterLate Night RoseNew York, NYPoulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano and Villa-Lobos Fantasia Concertantemore info...
April 16, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterRose StudioNew York, NYPoulenc Sonata for Clarinet and Piano and Villa-Lobos Fantasia Concertantemore info...
April 12, 2015Jewish Community Center of Greater WashingtonRockville, MDSolo and Duo with Ran Dank, pianomore info...
March 29, 2015BargemusicBrooklyn, NYBeethoven Violin Sonatas with Mark Peskanov, violinmore info...
March 28, 2015BargemusicFulton Landing, Brooklyn, NYBeethoven Violin Sonatas with Mark Peskanov, violinmore info...
March 27, 2015BargemusicFulton Landing, Brooklyn, NYSolo Recitalmore info...
March 23, 2015Hudson Valley Music ClubDobbs Ferry, NYRecital
February 8, 2015Howland Chamber Music Circle Piano FestivalHowland Cultural CenterBeacon, NYRecitalmore info...
February 6, 2015Rockefeller University Noon RecitalsCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NY
February 5, 2015Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYmore info...
January 29, 2015Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterKaplan PenthouseNew York, NYworks by Mantovani, Connesson, Sanchez-Gutierrezmore info...
January 9-11, 2015Recording for NaxosCountry Day SchoolOntario, CanadaScriabin!
December 21, 2014Mostly Music Chamber MusicWestwood, NJWith Ani Kavafian, Violin and Carter Brey, CelloMozart and Brahms Piano Triosmore info...
December 21, 2014Mostly Music Chamber MusicMaplewood, NJWith Ani Kavafian, Violin and Carter Brey, CelloMozart and Brahms Piano Triosmore info...
December 14, 2014Wave Hill ConcertsBronx, NYFour hands with Ran Dank, pianomore info...
November 23, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYwith Yura Lee, violin, Jacob Koranyi, cello, and Gilbert Kalish, pianoShostakovich Piano Trio in e minor, Debussy six epigraphs antiquesmore info...
November 14, 2014Dearborn Symphony OrchestraFord Community and Performing Arts CenterDearborn, MIKyprous Markou, ConductorMozart Concerto in C Major, K.503more info...
October 26, 2014Steinway Society of Western PennsylvaniaKresge TheatrePittsburgh, PASolo and Duo with Ran Dank, pianistmore info...
October 11, 2014Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music Faculty RecitalCincinnati, OHmore info...
September 18, 2014Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYmore info...
September 18, 2014Music in MidtownElebash HallNew York, NYWith Ani Kavafian, Violin and Timothy Eddy, CelloMozart Trio, K.502 and Mendelssohn Trio in C minor
June 15, 2014Music MountainLakeville, CTMozart Piano Quartet in E flat major with the Enso Quartetmore info...
May 17, 2014Steinway Society of the Bay AreaSan Jose, CASolo Recital with Janacek, Beethoven, Debussymore info...
May 16, 2014Tri-Institutional Noon RecitalsCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NYRecital
May 9, 2014Northwestern UniversityBienen School of MusicEvanston, ILScriabin Nocturne, Impromptu, Stravinsky's Firebird, and Rite of Spring (with Ran Dank)
April 30, 2014Music by the Glass GalaLouis Meisel Gallerywith Fourtissimomore info...
April 17, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterKaplan PenthouseNew York, NYLerdahl Fantasy Etudes, Glanert Noctambulemore info...
April 12, 2014Rising Stars SeriesSouthampton Cultural CenterSouthampton, NYTwo Piano with Ran Dank
April 6, 2014BargemusicBrooklyn, New YorkWith Ran DankMozart, Gabriela Frank, Debussy, Tchaikovskymore info...
March 14, 2014Vanguard ConcertsNCR Renaissance AuditoriumDayton, OHSolo and Duo with Ran Dankmore info...
March 9, 2014Wave Hill ConcertsBronx, New Yorkmore info...
March 6, 2014Happy Birthday Ursula!Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony SpaceNew York, NYTBDmore info...
February 27, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterRose StudioNew York, NYwith Sean Lee, David Aaron Carpenter, and David FinckelFaure Quartet in C minormore info...
February 27, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Late Night RoseRose StudioNew York, NYWith Sean Lee, David Aaron Carpenter, and David FinckelFaure Piano Quartet in C Minormore info...
February 14, 2013Rockefeller University Tri-Noon RecitalsCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NYMusic by the Glass musicians at RockefellerSchumann Piano Quintet
February 13, 2013Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NYSchumann Piano Quintet
February 9, 2014Music@Menlo Winter SeriesCenter for the Performing Arts at Menlo-AthertonAtherton, CAWith pianists Jean-Efflam Bavouzet,Anne-Marie McDermott, and Wu HanDebussy, Gershwin, and Bizetmore info...
February 8, 2014La Jolla Music SocietyLa Jolla, CAWith pianists Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Anne-Marie McDermott, and Wu HanDebussy, Bizet, Gershwinmore info...
February 3, 2014Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourDrew UniversityWith pianists Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Anne-Marie McDermott, and Wu HanDebussy, Bizet, Gershwinmore info...
February 1, 2014Chamber Music ColumbusChamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourColumbus, OHWith pianists Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Anne-Marie McDermott, and Wu HanWorks by Debussy, Gershwin, and Bizet
January 19, 2014EMMA Concert AssociationLousi Auditorium, Flagler CollegeSt. Augustin, FLSolo and Duo with Ran Dankmore info...
January 15, 2014University of Florida Concert SeriesGainsville, FLSolo/Duo with Ran Dankmore info...
November 24, 2013Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYMozart Fantasia in D minor, Brahms variations on a theme by Schumann, etc.more info...
November 22, 2013Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center on TourQuick Center for the Performing ArtsFairfield, CTMozart Fantasia in D minor, Brahms variations on a theme by Schumann, Faure Elegie
November 20, 2013Private RecitalLouis Meisel GalleryNew York, NY
November 16, 2013Music at St. Luke'sEast Hampton, NYWith Ran Dank, pianist
November 10, 2013Howland Chamber Music CircleHowland Cultural CenterBeacon, NYSchumann Piano Quintet with the Daedalus String Quartetmore info...
November 6, 2013Naumberg RecitalWeill Hall, Carnegie HallNew York, NYWorld premiere by Gabriela Lena Frank, Janacek Sonata, Beethoven Op.110..etcmore info...
October 27, 2013South Windsor Cultural Arts Concert SeriesWood Memorial LibrarySouth Windsor, CTSolo Recital
October 23, 2013University of GeorgiaAthens, GeorgiaAll Stravinsky! Firebird, Petroushka, and Rite of Spring with Ran Dankmore info...
October 20, 2013Music at the GardnerGardner MuseumBoston, MABeethoven Op.110, Janacek Sonata, Stravinsky/Agosti Firebird etc.more info...
October 13, 2013Adams Foundation Recital SeriesWestminster Presbyterian ChurchAuburn, NYSolo Recital
October 6, 2013Red Bank Chamber Music SocietyRed Bank, New JerseyWith Violinist Anna LimBeethoven Kreuzter Sonata
September 28, 2013Ames Town and Gown Chamber Music AssociationTye Recital Hall, Iowa State UniversityAmes, IowaRecital featuring Janacek Sonata, Beethoven Op.110, Stravinsky Firebirdmore info...
September 18, 2013Hawaii Concert SocietyHilo, Hawaiimore info...
September 15, 2013KCC Performing Arts CenterKauai, HawaiiStravinsky Rite of Spring and more!more info...
September 3, 2013Soyeon Kate Lee and Ran DankLe Poisson RougeNew York, NYWorld Premiere of Rwezski's Four Hands , and Stravinsky's Rite of Spring!more info...
August 24-25, 2013Naxos RecordingToronto, CanadaScriabin Piano Works
August 10, 2013Music Mountain FestivalLakeville, CTwith the Amphion String QuartetPiano Quintet No.2 In E-Flat Minor, Op.26more info...
August 1, 2013Buckhill-Skytop Music FestivalBuck Hill, PARecital with Ran Dank, PianistStravinsky Rite of Spring and Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Suitemore info...
July 24, 2013Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMwith the Miami String QuartetDohnanyi Piano Quintet in E flat Minormore info...
July 23, 2013Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMwith the Miami String QuartetDohnanyi Piano Quintet in E flat Minormore info...
July 22, 2013Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMBerg four pieces for clarinet and piano, Brahms A Major piano quartetmore info...
July 21, 2013Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMBerg four pieces for clarinet and piano, Brahms piano quartet in A Majormore info...
July 18, 2013Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSt. Francis AuditoriumSanta Fe, NMSolo Recitalmore info...
July 3, 2013 to July 12, 2013Kefalonia GMVF Music 2013Kefalonia, GreeceRecital, Masterclass, Teaching....and more!more info...
June 30, 2013Mäntän MusiikkijuhlatMantta, FinlandRecital with Ran Dank, PianistTBDmore info...
June 25-26, 2013Naxos recordingToronto, CanadaDouble CD recordingScriabin works
May 21, 2013Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYAni Kavafian, violin and Timothy Eddy, celloMozart piano trio in B-flat Major, K. 502more info...
May 19, 2013Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYAni Kavafian, violin and Timothy Eddy, celloMozart piano trio in B-flat Major, K. 502more info...
May 9, 2013Music by the GlassLouis Meisel GalleryNew YorkInaugural Gala for Music by the GlassPiano Extravaganzamore info...
May 5, 2013Fourtissimo ConcertManchester, VT
April 12th, 2013Adelphi University Symphony OrchestraAdelphi University Performing Arts CenterLong Island, NYChristopher Lyndon-Gee, conductorBritten Piano Concerto
April 4, 2013Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterGood Shepherd- Faith Presbytarian ChurchNew York, NYwith Brentano String QuartetGompper Musica Segretamore info...
March 8, 2013Pittsburg State University Concert SeriesMcCray Recital HallPittsburg, Kansasmore info...
February 9, 2013Music at St. Luke'sSt. Luke's Episcopal ChurchEast Hampton, NY
February 7, 2013Chamber Music Beginnings CMSLeFrak Hall, Queens CollegeQueens, NYmore info...
February 6, 2013Chamber Music Beginnings CMSMerkin Concert HallNew York, NYmore info...
February 5, 2013Chamber Music Beginnings CMSMerkin Concert HallNew York, NYmore info...
January 31, 2013Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterKaplan PenthouseNew York, NYwith the Daedalus String QuartetThomas Ades piano quintetmore info...
January 27, 2013Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterAlice Tully HallNew York, NYworks by Brahms and Beethovenmore info...
November 11, 2012Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterGardner MuseumBoston, MACopland Sextet, Bartok Contrasts, Milhaud Trio
November 8, 2012Lincoln Center Chamber Music SocietyRose StudioNew York, NYwith Arnaud Sussman and Areta Zhulla, violins, Fred Sherry, cello, Romie de Guise-Langlois, clarinet, Mark Halloway, violaBartok Contrasts and Copland Sextetmore info...
November 4, 2012Ridotto ConcertsHuntington Jewish CenterHuntington, NYRecital
November 1, 2012Portland Ovations SocietyMerrill AuditoriumPortland, MEwith Ran Dank, pianistDebussy Noctournes, Ravel La Valse, Stravinsky Rite of Springmore info...
October 28, 2012Adams Foundation Piano RecitalWestminister Presbyterian ChurchAuburn, NYmore info...
October 26, 2012House Concert for the Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalSanta Fe, NMScarlatti, Albeniz, Chopin, and Liszt
October 23, 2012Elon University Adams recital seriesWhitley AuditoriumElon, NCmore info...
October 21, 2012Rhode Island College Performing Arts SeriesSapinsley HallProvidence, RImore info...
October 4, 2012Pro Arte MusicalTeatro de la Univ. InteramericanaSan Juan, Puerto RicoSolo and Duo with Ran Dank, pianistmore info...
October 3, 2012Chamber Music Society of Lincoln CenterRose StudioNew York, NYFaure Piano Quartet in G minormore info...
September 21, 2012Sheldon Friends of Chamber MusicLincoln, NEJulie Yoon, violinist and Greg Beaver, cellistBrahms Trio in C Major and world premiere of Robert Sirota's Pange Linguamore info...
September 14, 2012Four Seasons Chamber Music FestivalA.J. Fletcher Music CenterGreenville, NCwith Ara Gregorian, Raman Ramakrishnan, and Hye-JIn KimFaure Piano Quartet in G minor and Dvorak Piano Quartetmore info...
September 13, 2012Four Seasons Chamber Music FestivalA.J. Fletcher Music CenterGreenville, NCwith Ara Gregorian, Raman Ramakrishnan, and Hye-Jin KimFaure Piano Quartet in G minor and Dvorak Piano Quartet
September 9, 2012Music MountainGordon HallLakeville, CTwith the Daedalus QuartetBrahms Piano Quartet in A majormore info...
July 24, 2012 to July 28th, 2012Buck Hill- Skytop Music FestivalSkytop, PADvorak Piano Quartet, Brahms Piano Quartet, Stravinsky Rite of Spring, Brahms Hungarian Dances, etc.
June 17, 2012Irondale Schoolhouse Benefit ConcertPresbytarian ChurchMillerton, NYChamber Music with Eugenia Zukerman and Ran Dank
May 5, 2012Rising Stars Recital Series "Distinguished Pianofest Artist"Southampton Cultural CenterSouthampton, New Yorkmore info...
April 9, 2012 to April 11, 2012Recording for NaxosGlenn Gould StudioToronto, CanadaLiszt Opera Transcriptions!
March 30th, 2012Tri-I Noon RecitalsCaspary Auditorium, Rockefeller UniversityNew York, NY
March 23, 2012Aurora Cultural Center Recital SeriesOntario, Canadamore info...
March 21, 2012Dame Myra Hess Memorial ConcertsPreston Bradley HallChicago, ILmore info...
March 17, 2012Candlelight Concert SocietySmith TheatreColumbia, MDmore info...
March 8, 2012Masterclass at the University of Hawaii at ManoaOrvis AuditoriumHonolulu, HI
March 4, 2012Maui Arts and Cultural Concert SeriesMaui, Hawaiimore info...
March 4, 2012Maui Arts and Cultural Concert SeriesMaui, Hawaiimore info...
March 2, 2012Kahilu Theatre FoundationKahilu TheatreKamuela, Hawaiimore info...
February 29, 2012Hawaii Concert SocietyUHH Performing Arts CenterHilo, Hawaiimore info...
February 28, 2012Hawaii Concert Society MasterclassUniversity of Hawaii at HiloHilo, Hawaii
February 26, 2012Kauai Concert AssociationKauai, Hawaiimore info...
February 25, 2012Masterclass at the University of HawaiiUniversity of HawaiiManoa, Hawaiimore info...
February 19, 2012Santa Fe OrchestraSanta Fe, NMSteven Smith, ConductorGrieg Concertomore info...
February 7, 2012CAG Barbes Classical Upright Piano BrigadeBarbesBrooklyn, NYWith pianist Ran Dankmore info...
January 29, 2012Howland Chamber Music Circle RecitalHowland Cultural CenterBeacon, NYmore info...
January 27, 2012Bozeman Symphony Piano SeriesMontana State University Reynolds Recital HallBozeman, MTmore info...
January 23, 2012Princeton Symphony Chamber SeriesInstitute for Advanced StudyPrinceton, NJViolin Repertoire with Anna Lim, violinistmore info...
January 22, 2012Princeton Symphony Chamber SeriesStonebridge AuditoriumSkillman, NJViolin Sonatas with Anna Lim, violinistmore info...
November 19, 2011Naples Philharmonic OrchestraPhilharmonic Center for the ArtsNaples, FLJorge Mester, ConductorMozart Concerto No.18, K.456more info...
November 18th, 2011Naples Philharmonic OrchestraPhilharmonic Center for the ArtsNaples, FLJorge Mester, Conductormore info...
November 17, 2012Naples Philharmonic OrchestraPhilharmonic Center for the ArtsNaples, FLJorge Mester, ConductorMozart Concerto No. 18, K.456more info...
November 6, 2011Krannert Center for the Performing ArtsUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignUrbana, ILmore info...
November 3rd, 2011Music in MidtownElebash Hall at the Graduate Center, CUNYNew York, NYwith Ran Dank, pianistFour-hand repertoire including Stravinsky's Rite of Spring
October 13, 2011Naumburg RecitalWeill Hall at Carnegie HallNew York, NY
October 9, 2011Steinway Society of Western PennsylvaniaPittsburgh School for Creative and Performing ArtsPittsburgh, PAWorks by Bach, Unsuk Chin, Stravinsky, and Schumannmore info...
Abilene PhilharmonicAbilene Civic CenterAbilene, TXDavid Itkin, ConductorRachmaninoff Concerto No.2more info...
September 11, 2011Music MountainGordon HallLakeville, CTwith members of the Daedalus QuartetBrahms Quartet in G minor and Mozart Quartet in G minor
Buckhill Skytop Music FestivalSkytop, PABrahms Piano Quartet in G minor, Faure Piano Quartet in G minor, Schumann Piano Quintet, etc.more info...
July 8, 2011Orquesta de ValenciaPalau de la MusicaValencia, Spainwith Ran Dank, pianistPoulenc Concerto for Two Pianos
July 4, 2011Mantta Music FestivalMantta City HallMantta, FinlandAll Liszt Recitalmore info...
June 28, 2011Valencia International Piano AcademyConservatori Superior de Musica de ValenciaValencia, SpainGuest Pianistmore info...
June 24, 2011Ulsan Philharmonic OrchestraUlsan Culture and Arts CenterUlsan, KoreaEun-Seung Park, ConductorGrieg Concerto in A minor
June 5, 2011Red Bank Chamber Music SocietyRed Bank, New Jerseywith violinist Anna Lim
Montreal Chamber Music FestivalMontreal, CanadaWith Ran Dank, pianistSchubert Fantasy, Bartok Sonata for two pianos and percussion, Stravinsky Rite of Spring!more info...
April 29, 2011The Graduate Center at CUNYElebash HallNew York, NYwith Ran Dank, Morris Lang, and Barrett HipesBartok Sonata for two pianos and percussion, Stravinsky Rite of Spring
April 16, 2011Wyoming Symphony OrchestraNatrona County High School AuditoriumCasper, WyomingMatthew Savery, ConductorGrieg Piano Concertomore info...
April 10, 2011Boca Raton SymphoniaThe Roberts TheatreBoca Raton, FloridaDavid Commanday, ConductorMozart Piano Concert No.23 in A Major, K.488more info...
April 2, 2011Columbus Symphony OrchestraRiver Center for the Performing ArtsColumbus, GeorgiaGeorge Del Gobbo, ConductorRachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2more info...
March 5, 2011Outer Banks Patron of the ArtsAll Saints Episcopal ChurchOuter Banks, NC
March 3, 2011Outer Banks Patron of the ArtsOuter Banks, NC
Feburary 20, 2011Ridotto MusicOld First ChurchHuntington, New Yorkmore info...
February 6, 2011Bozeman Symphony OrchestraWillson AuditoriumBozeman, MontanaMatthew Savery, ConductorMozart Piano Concerto No. 23 in A Major, K.488more info...
February 5, 2011Bozeman Symphony OrchestraWillson AuditoriumBozeman, MontanaMatthew Savery, ConductorMozart Piano Concerto No.23 in A Major, K.488more info...
January 30, 2011Pro Arte Musical Series RecitalSan Juan, Puerto Ricomore info...
January 9, 2011San Francisco Performances RecitalHerbst TheatreSan Francisco, CA
December 27, 2010 to December 31st, 2010Samick Music FestivalSeoul, KoreaGuest Artist Faculty
December 3, 2010Recital with Andre EmilianoffColony ClubNew York, NY
November 20, 2010Faculty Recital with Andre EmilianoffPaul Hall, The Juilliard SchoolNew York, New YorkLots of Cello music! including Prokofiev Cello Sonata
November 7, 2010Red Bank Chamber MusicRed Bank, New JerseyBeethoven Sonata Op.81a, Arensky Piano Trio, etc.
October 8th, 2010FourtissimoZankel Hall, Carnegie HallNew York, NYSurprise
September 25, 2010Cheyenne Symphony OrchestraCheyenne Civic CenterCheyenne, WYWilliam Intriligator, conductorRachmaninoff Second Concerto
July 31, 2010Music Mountain Chamber Music FestivalGordon HallLakeville, CTwith Voxare QuartetSchumann Piano Quintetmore info...
July 29, 2010Recital with Greg Beaver, CellistGreenwood Music CampGreenwood, CT
July 1, 2010Mantta Music Festival Chopin ConcertMantta City HallMantta, Finlandmore info...
Thursday, August 04, 2022Santa Fe Chamber Music FestivalNew Mexico Museum of ArtSanta Fe, NMJennifer Frautschi, Violin and Eric Kim, CelloMendelssohn Piano Trio in C minor more info...
Friday, September 06, 2019Rockefeller University Tri-Noon Recital Series Opening RecitalCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NY
Friday, April 26, 2019Rockefeller University Tri-Noon Recital SeriesCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NYGranados: The Complete Goyescas
Friday, April 26, 2019Rockefeller University Tri-Noon Recital SeriesCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NYGranados: The Complete Goyescas
Friday, September 06, 2019Rockefeller University Noon Recital SeriesCaspary AuditoriumNew York, NY
Friday, April 26, 2019Rockefeller University Tri-I Noon RecitalNew York, NYGoyescas

Colbert Artists Management

Lee Prinz
President & CEO
(917) 455-0640

Amy Carson-Dwyer
(714) 862-5937

Chaconne In D Minor
From Partita For Solo Violin No. 2, BWV 1004
Soyeon Lee
from Re!nvented
Maurice Ravel
La Valse
Soyeon Lee
from Re!nvented
Isaac Albeniz
I. Evocación
Soyeon Lee
from Re!nvented
Isaac Albeniz
III. Fête-dieu à Seville
Soyeon Lee
from Re!nvented
Sergei Prokofiev
Sonata No. 7 In B-Flat Major
III. Preciptato
Soyeon Lee
from Re!nvented
Domenico Scarlatti
Keyboard Sonata In F Minor, K 466
Soyeon Lee
from Scarlatti: Complete Keyboard Sonatas Vol. 8
Domenico Scarlatti
Keyboard Sonata In B Minor, K 87
Soyeon Lee
from Scarlatti: Complete Keyboard Sonatas Vol. 8
Domenico Scarlatti
Keyboard Sonata In D, K 96
Soyeon Lee
from Scarlatti: Complete Keyboard Sonatas Vol. 8
Domenico Scarlatti
Keyboard Sonata In A Minor, K 382
Soyeon Lee
from Scarlatti: Complete Keyboard Sonatas Vol. 8
Franz Joseph Haydn
Sonata in G major - I. Allegretto Innocente
Soyeon Lee
from Concert Artists Guild
Franz Joseph Haydn
Sonata in G major - II. Presto
Soyeon Lee
from Concert Artists Guild
William Bolcom
Nine Bagatelles
Soyeon Lee
from Concert Artists Guild

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